What if …….. The United States was your colonial master? ..

Colonialism has been a powerful theme in world history. From colonized south America to the USSR to Africa, there is hardly a spot on the globe untouched by its influence. It is essentially a system of direct political, economic, and cultural intervention and hegemony by a powerful country in a weaker one. Colonizing nations generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory, and may also impose socio-cultural, religious, and linguistic structures on the indigenous population. Brazilians speak portuguese (latin) because they were colonised by portugal, in canada, the official language is both english and french, because both england and france colonised canada. Notably, The US was not involved in the colonial race. She adopted the ‘Monroe Doctrine’ which regarded colonialism as oppressive and intolerable, and refused to colonize any country. We can all imagine that if the US colonised a country, it would have tried to impose its economic,social,political, and culture to the countries it colonized.

If the US entered the colonial race, would you have loved it to colonize your country? 

Do you think your country would be very different from what it is right now if it was colonised by the americans, like your culture, your language or political system?